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kingdom prayers

, 2024

FMC PRAYER: Lord, we lift up our Sunday morning teams to You this week. Thank You for their commitment to build up Your church and magnify Your name each and every week. Please continue to appoint people to these positions who understand the impact that they have as leaders and role models at FMC. May Your glory alone be magnified through their words, humility, and compassion. As our voices unite in praise, may we be encouraged, strengthened, and humbled to be a part of Your amazing Kingdom.

SUNDAY’S SCRIPTURE: Joshua 8 ~ The Fall of Ai

FMC ENDSTATE: Throughout the Tri-State Region & Beyond…love and joy fill hearts…

Jesus says in John 13:34-35, ”Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.”

The way people will recognize Christ is through the distinguishing mark of the Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives. His reflective and transformative power is evident through our actions, attitudes, and relationships with each other.

Lord, may the fruit of Your Spirit blossom in my life moment by moment today. May the true joy of my heart be found in You and You alone.

INVISIBLE CHURCH: Lord, guide our leadership as they faithfully shepherd Your flock. Thank You for the gift of pastors, teachers, and elders. Please also bless the spouses and families of those leaders as they partner in the call of ministry together. Strengthen their faith and joy in the gospel as they faithfully shepherd the church and equip the saints for ministry. Give them great wisdom and direction in every aspect of life so that they may patiently exemplify to the church and the world who You are. Help us honor them as Your appointed shepherds who sacrifice much for the Kingdom’s sake.

STUDENTS: Lord, we pray for Your Holy Spirit to guide our students in their interactions, giving them the right words to say and the right attitude to display. May their presence bring comfort and curiosity to those who are seeking, and may their influence lead others to explore the beauty of Your love.

SCRIPTURE:Psalm 94:19 When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.”

CARE: Father, we lift up the volunteers, caregivers, and service providers who give their time and energy to care for others. Please strengthen and encourage them in their work, replenish their energy and resolve, and fill them to overflowing so that they can continue to pour themselves out for the sake of others and the building up of Your kingdom here on earth.