What is the Encourage pillar?
It is the Pillar that encourages, builds up, and strengthens others in Christ. This is a gift from God that we use to encourage others along the path to holiness in ways that Glorify God Alone by:
Developing an understanding of Biblical instruction on encouraging.

Engaging in deliberately planned and spontaneous encouragement opportunities in Christ.

Encouraging others in Christ in every aspect of our Every-Day Ordinary Lives.

Understand what the Bible teaches about encouraging others in Christ.
- Meet twice during the first month: in the second and fourth week.
- Conduct a self-study during week 1: Rm 12:3-8 & 14:19, 1 Ths 5:11, Hb 3:13, Eph 4:29, 1 Cor 14:12, Pv 29:5
- Develop a list of 10 Bible verses that offer encouragement; share with others in the pillar.
- Discuss the role of encouragement in the vital ministry of promoting “Hope in Christ”.
- Make a list of things that encourage you; differentiate encourage from flattery; discuss both with the group.
- Identify 12 people in your sphere of influence that you can encourage; be specific about how to encourage them.
- Read selected sections from Larry Crabb’s book, Encouragement: The Unexpected Power of Building Others Up
- Do a study on encouraging, exhorting, building up, strengthening others using https://www.gotquestions.org/
Apply what you learned to deliberately planned and spontaneous encouragement opportunities.
- Meet twice during the second month; large and/or smaller groups
- Discuss opportunities that God has given you to encourage others in the past week; encourage your teammates
- Pray with your team for an eye to encourage, encouragement opportunities, and relationships that will be built
- Deliberately plan to encourage someone in your sphere of influence each day during the week
- Spontaneously encourage someone in your sphere of influence each day during the week
- Participate in one encouraging exercise as a pillar during month two
- Read the book of Philippians and note how/where Paul encouraged the church; discuss as a group
Engage in serving God and others in your Every-day Ordinary Life.
- Meet twice during the third month; large and/or smaller groups
- Catch your teammates up on your progress to date and pray together
- Send one text of encouragement each day to someone you normally wouldn’t text that day
- Continue deliberately and spontaneously encouraging those in your main sphere of influence
- Read the book of Galatians and note how/where Paul encouraged the church; discuss as a group
- Stop at least once each day to thank God and give Him the glory for the privilege of encouraging others each day
Glorify God by devoting ourselves to a life of encouraging others in Christ in our every-day ordinary life.