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Pillar 2. Promote Christian Fellowship


a. FMC is committed to taking our next steps towards Christ together in fellowship, communion with Christ, and with each other

b. FMC sees this as the “TOGETHER” in our mission of taking our next steps toward Christ

c. FMC ensures Christ is at the center of all communal engagements; we promote a fellowship of believers in Christ

d. FMC regularly celebrates communion, reminding us of our need of a Savior & proclaiming Christ’s resurrecting power

e. FMC promotes micro and macro expressions that are intentionally engaging with a Christ-centered focus

f. FMC promotes relationships across all demographics and socioeconomic backgrounds

g. FMC values all members of our diverse team and everyone is treated as a child of God

h. FMC desires to know people at a deep level, so we must each allow ourselves to be known, warts and all

Reformed [ECO] Theological Tenets

Saints by their profession are bound to maintain a holy fellowship and communion in the worship of God, and in performing such other spiritual services as tend to their mutual edification; as also in relieving each other in outward things, according to their several abilities and necessities. Which communion, as God offereth opportunity, is to be extended unto all those who, in every place, call upon the name of the Lord Jesus.

Q. 55. What do you understand by “the communion of saints”?

A. First, that believers one and all, as partakers of the Lord Christ, and all his treasures and gifts, shall share in one fellowship. Second, that each one ought to know that he is obliged to use his gifts freely and with joy for the benefit and welfare of other members.

ECO Tenets: The congregation’s fellowship shall be open to all who seek to explore spiritual life by participating in the fellowship of the risen Lord. The congregation shall be gracious in providing pastoral care to all who consider themselves a part of the congregation, in the hope that these spiritual friends might become members of Christ’s body. All who put their trust in Jesus Christ are welcomed to receive the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.

ECO Tenets: Each covenant partner shall strive to be faithful to Christ by participating in the congregation’s worship, fellowship, and service on an ongoing basis. Faithfulness in Christ as a covenant partner, involves a commitment to growth into spiritual maturity as a disciple of Christ and dedication of time and talents to the congregation’s mission and ministry, in accordance to the gifts that God has bestowed upon him or her. Faithfulness also involves the stewardship of finances. As each covenant partner grows in the grace of giving, financial support of the congregation’s mission and ministry should grow, along with tangible support for other ministries that advance God’s Kingdom.

Those who are invited to take significant leadership roles in the congregation should be spiritually mature, carefully selected, trained and/or mentored ordinarily be covenant partners for at least a year, and shall agree and adhere to the Essential Tenets of ECO.

Recommended Books

Venues to Implement this Pillar

1. Volunteer as an auxiliary deacon
2. Volunteer at an upcoming church gathering
3. Invite people to join you for prayer and a discussion of a recent sermon
4. Check in on people via text a couple times a week
5. Host a spontaneous ice cream social in your neighborhood

Platforms & Exercises to Develop this Pillar

  • Identify good material online to text or email friends and family to encourage fellowship
  • Hold a meeting among the pillar to practice fellowshipping with others
  • Discuss how fellowship involves meeting to glorify Jesus, and how it is not about meeting to gossip and just hang out
  • Discuss how you build up and encourage people without complimenting or leading them into sins of self
  • Hold a whiteboard session to identify ways to bolster fellowship in the church
  • Identify ways other than a church pot luck or picnic to encourage people to join in fellowship