
, 2024

FMC PRAYER: Lord, we lift up the marriages here at FMC. May they be honoring to You and Your design for marriage so that the world may see and love You more clearly. You have called Your church to a lifestyle that is counter to this world – humbly strengthen the hearts and minds of Your children as they seek to honor the calling You have placed on them through submission and reverence for one another – just as Christ submitted to the Father for the sake of the Church.

SUNDAY’S SCRIPTURE: Metanoia – Repentance 1 ~ Matthew 3:1-12

FMC ENDSTATE: Throughout the Tri-State Region & Beyond…the promises of God are believed… Lord, we know that true belief is not just about the words that we speak or the thoughts that we hold—it’s about how we live our every day lives. When we believe that Your promises are good, that You are our Provider, and that You have a plan for our lives, we can’t help but act differently. Our belief should shape our choices, our relationships, and our responses to life’s challenges.

So, today, we ask You to help us live in light of Your promises. Let our belief in Your faithfulness transform the way we treat others—with patience, kindness, and grace. Let it shape how we approach difficulties—with hope, trust, and perseverance. And let it inspire us to live with purpose, knowing that Your promises give us direction and hope for the future.

ADVENT FOCUS: As we step into this season of Advent, we hear the voice of John the Baptist calling out to us: “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.” We know that these words aren’t just for people long ago—they’re for us, today.

John reminded us that true repentance isn’t about feeling guilty or ashamed, but about making real, lasting changes—about living in a way that reflects the HOPE we have in Christ. So we ask You to help us, to shape our beliefs so that they shape our behavior. Let what we say we believe become visible in how we treat others, in the choices we make, and in the love we show.

STUDENTS: Jesus, please help our students rest in You, knowing that You have overcome this world. When the cares of their hearts are many, may Your consolation cheer their souls, and fill them with power, love, and self-control – which we all desperately need. When they pass through deep waters and endure fiery trials, we pray they will feel Your presence with them as steady and sure as the breath in their lungs.

SCRIPTURE: 2 Timothy 1:7 “…for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”

CARE: Lord, guide me in acts of kindness, both big and small, this week. Let me be a source of warmth and positivity to those I encounter. As I go about my day, direct me to find opportunities where I can make a difference in the lives of others for Your glory alone – be that through a smile, a helping hand, or a kind word. Open the eyes of the lost so that through these acts of kindness, Your unfathomable love and care might be deeply felt and lives be forever changed. Thank You for the opportunity to spread Your love through simple acts of caring. In Your name, I pray. Amen.