kingdom prayers


FMC PRAYER: Everything belongs to You, Lord. May we sow generously into Your church without reluctance, guilt, or compulsion. May grace abound so that we have all that we need for every good work in which You have assigned us. Make us rich in ways that result in generosity so that Your name alone be praised. Everything that we have is from You…may we treat it as such.

SUNDAY’S SCRIPTURE: Number 14:1-12

FMC ENDSTATE: Throughout the Tri-State Region & Beyond…prodigals come home! Lord – it’s incredibly hard to pray for anything but a comfortable, successful, and pain-free life for our children, friends, and family. But the greatest eternal good that we can pray for them is their salvation over their earthly happiness or comfort…which is why today – we pray for brokenness. Brokenness that leads to repentance and healing. Brokenness that leads Your children back to YOU – no matter the cost. Please help them fight against temporary pleasures, self-gratification, and blurry lines — entrusting their lives completely to You, Lord — even if the path of salvation comes through pain.

INVISIBLE CHURCH: Lord, help me worship You with an undistracted heart. You know how my mind wanders to my upcoming week, present worries, and thoughts of others and other things. Please help me throw those worries aside and focus on You and Your glory alone. May Your Spirit cause my heart, soul, mind, and strength to exalt Your Holy Name in my words, my thoughts, and my interactions with others, today and every day hereafter.

STUDENTS: A Love of God’s Word – Father we pray now that the students would spend time getting to know You through Your Word. May they long for pure spiritual milk! Grant them a desire for the meat of Your Word so that they will grow into maturity. We ask that You give our students a longing to know You better through the reading of their Bibles, and we pray that they will bring their questions to us so we can grow together.

SCRIPTURE: 1 Peter 2:2 Like newborn infants long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation.

Hebrews 5:12 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food…

CARE: Lord, grant me the gift of empathy this week and reveal to me wisdom and understanding for those going through struggles. Show me how to be a comforting presence in their lives and offer a listening ear and a compassionate heart. As I strive to empathize with those in need, I pray that You would fill me with the ability to truly comprehend their pain and challenges. Thank You for the opportunity to care for others as You have cared for me.