

FMC PRAYER: Everything belongs to you, Lord. May we sow generously into Your church without reluctance, guilt, or compulsion. May grace abound so that we have all we need for every good work You’ve assigned to us. Make us rich in ways that result in generosity on our part so that Your name alone be praised. Everything that we have is from you, may we treat it as such.

SUNDAY’S SCRIPTURE: Ephesians 5:18-21

FMC VALUE: Value 7 – Laugh Out Loud: Laugh out loud! Have fun. As we work, have fun. As we serve, have fun. We want to be a team that laughs together. This is something that we must be intentional about. Fun must be not only allowed for but planned for. During meetings, we want laughter to be commonplace. We want to be the kind of team that laughs frequently during meetings, a team that isn’t always serious and sour, a team that dances at each other’s weddings. This is one of the most important values.

INVISIBLE CHURCH: Lord, deepen our longing for Christ’s return. So often we pursue comfort and earthly joy in this sin-bent world when our hearts should long for the return of Christ. Humbly draw us into Your holy presence and show us the glories of a sin-and suffering-free eternity where we will worship you face-to-face, Lord. We long for Your presence and perfect restoration!

PRACTICE: Study Proverbs 1:7, 2:6, Romans 11:33, Romans 12:1-2 (Message)