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Vision: Reach the Tri-State Region & Beyond for God’s Kingdom by making fully devoted followers of Jesus.

Pray that everything we do would be done to accomplish this! Pray that we would be willing to lay aside anything that hinders us in accomplishing this vision. Pray for the faith to follow the Spirit’s lead, keeping in step with Him each day, personally and corporately. 

End state: Throughout the Tri-State Region & Beyond… the Glory of God is honored, intimacy with Jesus is treasured, the Holy Spirit’s fruit ripens in believers’ lives, the holiness of God is revered, the goodness of God is relished, the truth of God is pursued, the faithfulness of God is trusted, the promises of God are believed, the grace of God is cherished, the wrath of God is feared, the commandments of God are obeyed, the lost are found, repentance and gratitude flow, praise and prayer erupt, lives and communities are transformed, love and joy fills hearts, freedom and forgiveness overwhelm, barriers are broken down, the hungry are fed, marriages are restored, families are reunited, and prodigals come home!

Pray that we would see these things come to pass in ever-increasing ways! Pray that we would celebrate each and every moment we see this happening in one another’s lives!

FMC Team Values: Values describe how we will behave as we accomplish our vision, mission, strategy, and end state. Our values are not so much about getting into the endzone, but rather more about HOW we score. Without stating them, the Tri-State Region and FMC should be able to recognize these values by how we behave. FMC has ten team values – we’ll share one each week, simply cycling through them as we pray together. 

Pray that no matter who or where or when, that these values would begin to permeate who we are and how we live and serve and love together! 

Value 10: Play motion offense

In basketball, motion offense is a fluid approach where the players are always moving and always aware of where each other are. It only works if the team is in tune maintaining complete awareness. We want our team to be anticipating each other’s moves and needs even before they happen. We will fight against silos and work to complement what other team members are doing. KEY WORDS: AWARENESS, COLLABORATION, RESPONSIVENESS

That Christ-centered relationships would flourish in the church

Love from the center of who you are; don’t fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle. Romans 12:9-10

Pray, church, that we would be uncompromising in our commitment to love one another as Christ has loved us; that we would speak the truth in love to one another; that we would forgive quickly and completely; that we would guard our hearts and the words that come out of our mouths; that we would seek one another’s good before our own; that we would be people of abundant grace; that we would generously and selflessly serve one another – for our great good and God’s great glory. 

Mentoring Up and Down

Pray that we would all recognize that we are to grow and learn and serve and become more like Jesus, together; that we would all seek to share what God has done in and for us with one another; that we would be willing to invest in one another’s growth in meaningful and fruitful and consistent ways; that no one would be too proud to admit that he/she doesn’t need others and that no one would believe the lie that he/she has nothing to offer.

The Growth of Individual LET’S GO Expressions

That God would place within every person who calls FMC “home” the desire to be in the game! That each one would seek to grow in every gift, giving themselves fully to learning and honing these 12 pillars as they would any other skill or ability. That God would give us creative ideas to be the church outside of our four walls and that we would all rally around one another, encouraging, praying for and spurring one another on toward love and good deeds, for the good of all those around us and for the glory of God’s great name!