Vision: Reach the Tri-State Region & Beyond for God’s Kingdom by making fully devoted followers of Jesus.
Pray that everything we do would be done to accomplish this! Pray that we would be willing to lay aside anything that hinders us in accomplishing this vision. Pray for the faith to follow the Spirit’s lead, keeping in step with Him each day, personally and corporately.
End state: Throughout the Tri-State Region & Beyond… the Glory of God is honored, intimacy with Jesus is treasured, the Holy Spirit’s fruit ripens in believers’ lives, the holiness of God is revered, the goodness of God is relished, the truth of God is pursued, the faithfulness of God is trusted, the promises of God are believed, the grace of God is cherished, the wrath of God is feared, the commandments of God are obeyed, the lost are found, repentance and gratitude flow, praise and prayer erupt, lives and communities are transformed, love and joy fills hearts, freedom and forgiveness overwhelm, barriers are broken down, the hungry are fed, marriages are restored, families are reunited, and prodigals come home!
Pray that we would see these things come to pass in ever-increasing ways! Pray that we would celebrate each and every moment we see this happening in one another’s lives!
FMC Team Values: Values describe how we will behave as we accomplish our vision, mission, strategy, and end state. Our values are not so much about getting into the endzone, but rather more about HOW we score. Without stating them, the Tri-State Region and FMC should be able to recognize these values by how we behave. FMC has ten team values – we’ll share one each week, simply cycling through them as we pray together.
Pray that no matter who or where or when, that these values would begin to permeate who we are and how we live and serve and love together!
Value 8: Protect this house
This speaks to communication and relationship. It’s all about unity and commitment to Christ. Those are the things that protect us from the enemy. It’s easy to dismiss negative comments that we think or hear others speak. Instead, let us stop and say, “No! That is dangerous and cannot continue.” We will never allow triangulation, where we talk to a third party about an issue we are having with someone. Instead, we will always go to that person individually first. Moreover, we will hold each other accountable to do the same. KEY WORDS: COMMUNICATION, HONOR, LOYALTY, UNITY
Humility that leads to Righteousness
This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word. Isaiah 66:2
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Matthew 5:6
Pray that as we seek God’s glory in prayer that we would grow in ever-increasing humility, recognizing the extent of our sin and depravity and the lengths God has gone to rescue us, in order to give us eternal life and living hope! Pray that God would place in us His desires – that we would long for Him, His Kingdom, and His righteousness, more than we long for anything else. Pray that we would walk by faith, in grace and obedience to God’s Word in all we do and say.
Mt. Calvary Chapel in Midland
Pray for our brothers and sisters in Midland as they seek to serve their community in Christ-exalting ways. Pray for Roger Singleton as he leads them. Pray that God would give us opportunities to partner with them in the Gospel. Pray that God would use them (and us!) mightily – that His Kingdom would come and His will be done in and through them!
Outdoor Evening Services this Summer
Pray for us as we pilot new ideas, times, and ways to provide opportunities for more families in our community to be able to come together for corporate worship. Pray that we would be wise and discerning for how best to do this – and for the resources (time, people, energy, etc.) to be able to do it well.